Thursday, August 23, 2012

traditional and official

August 14, 2012

Tonight was traditional night.  All of the volunteers and their families (plus many others) gathered in the Presby Church at 5pm.  They served us dinner, which was a potluck of all types of Ghanaian foods we had yet to try.  There was also drumming and dancing.  The dance crew, if you will, would play songs while 4 or 5 dancers worked their magic around the room.  It was amazing.  I love just watching them dance.  Zini (my language teacher) of course was taking videos, while others took several pictures, so the night was well captured.  I am going to try to get those videos from Zini, so I can give everyone a glimpse of the things I’m doing and the things I’m seeing.  I was definitely having a rough afternoon, so this night was well needed and well received.  It was so much fun.  Also, my homestay mother has been working her butt off to get my outfit made for tonight.  She also made a matching outfit for her and my homestay sister, Ama.  Peter and his mom as well as April and her mom also matched.  So we got a big matching family photo taken.  I’ll be sure to get that and post it too.  It was beyond adorable.  My family and I had tan-like material with artwork all over it.  The artwork consisted of elephants, huts, suns, and other shapes.  The artwork was a darker brown color.  I love the material.

We all become official volunteers on Thursday.  That’s 2 days away.  It seems so surreal.  It feels like we just got to homestay, and now it’s time for us to grow big and move out on our own.  It’s definitely going to be different…and difficult.  But totally amazing at the same time.  Such a range of emotions.  We have all come such a long way, and now our day is finally here.  I’m fairly certain I will be filled with emotions come Thursday.  I’m going to miss my homestay family, this town, and all my new friends.  I think what helps is knowing I can come visit my homestay or my friends at any time.  Right now, I make sense and it sounds like it will be easy to say goodbye.  But once this weekend hits, I’m sure it will be a whole new story.  Either way, our Peace Corps adventures will begin, and we can start putting our knowledge and skills to good use.  I hope I will be able to keep you all updated on all my endeavors, whatever they may be.  So wish me luck for the swearing-in and everything to come.  It is going to be such a thrill.

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