Tuesday, October 16, 2012

light journal reading - part 2

September 7, 2012

Cultural topic for today:  funerals.  Today was the second time I went to a funeral since coming to site.  The first one was last weekend.  It was my counterpart’s brother who passed away.  Roger and I went together (Update:  I seem to be pretty repetitive in my entries…sorry!)  As we were approaching, I heard loud gunshots.  It killed my ears!  Roger said it was because the chief just arrived so they shot off guns as tradition.  Okay, no problem.  When we got to the area, I noticed a large stage about 10 feet off the ground with a man sitting inside.  Oh, that must be the chief.  As we got closer, I noticed the man wasn’t moving much, if at all.  When we finally reached the stage, I realized the man sitting upright was the deceased man.  Holy crap!  He was just sitting there holding a book like it was no big deal.  It was definitely different than the funerals I’m used to.  As we passed the stage, we threw coins towards it.  apparently, these coins went to the xylophone players.  There were xylophone players at today’s funeral too.  But this time, the deceased was in his coffin.  People threw coins as usual.  This time, I went with my headmaster and a couple friends (they were there when I bought my bicycle.  I can’t remember their names).  We got to the stage and walked around and made sure we stood at every angle facing the deceased.  Then we threw the coins (I know I’m telling the story out of order).  We walked towards the music, and my headmaster told me to go find a seat while they finished up.  I stood for a few moments admiring the xylophone poets.  I went to go sit down and about 5 minutes later was served pito.  When the rest joined me, Roger had already found me.  We talked for a few minutes, and we headed towards another area.  Under a tree.  With several other people.  We sat in a giant circle.  There were maybe 20 of us.  Someone came out with a crate full of beer bottles.  I happily took a Club.  Later, a jerry can of pito was brought out.  I declined.  I had already had 2 Clubs earlier and some pito.  We were all just sitting and talking.  And not even about the funeral.  This sad and unfortunate event was just an excuse for us to mingle and socialize.  It’s so interesting.  We finally made our way home.  I successfully biked home, in the dark, while wearing a skirt.  ‘Twas intense.  I did however get my skirt caught in the back wheel of my bike on the way to the funeral earlier.  Luckily, those friends of the headmaster helped me come untied.  And as I was leaving the funeral, two women helped tie my skirt so it wouldn’t hang.  I absolutely love this place.  I know I have my bad moments, but as of now, the good times greatly outweigh the bad.  Let’s hope that lasts for two years!

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