Sunday, May 13, 2012


My group and I received our staging info on May 7th!!  It was sooo exciting to get this email (yes, it's an email, not postal need to wait by the mailbox for it).  This staging email gives you information on where you'll be flying out of to get to Ghana (or wherever it is you get to spend the next 2 years of your life), a pre-departure online security orientation, hotel information in your staging city, registration info, baggage advisory, and safety info.
Our group is flying to Washington, DC to have our staging/orientation, and then we fly from DC to Ghana on a 10.5 hour DIRECT flight!!!  How awesome is that?!  One thing we were required to do was contact the travel people and set up a flight from home to DC.  I officially have my ticket and I land in DC in the afternoon on June 4th!  We have an intense orientation the next day (on the 5th), and we leave for Ghana later that night!  Oh my gosh!  Seeing that itinerary has gotten me even MORE excited!!!  Everything is slowly but surely falling in to place, and it's amazing! 

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